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In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet attacks Oahspe by saying that the concept of our Solar System being a vortex is superficially and deeply wrong according to scientists. Yes the corporeal planets of the solar system ARE NOT a vortex. Maybe Team Kemet meant to say that there is no ethe'ic Solar Vortex as depicted in Oahspe? The scientist that Team Kemet quotes says "you can get helical motion without the particles in it interacting, like in the solar system, but in a vortex the particles interact through drag and friction.” Below I will show that in the solar system there are particles that "interact through drag and friction” and helical and spiral motion is associated with a vortex.


Helical motion solar system charged particle mag


Above images show vortex'ya (helical vortex motion) on the macroscopic solar-system scale and on the microscopic sub-atomic particle scale.
Helical vortex motion of the solar system through space, and the helical vortex motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field (combining gravitational and elecromagnetic forces).
"you can get helical motion without the particles in it interacting, like in the solar system, but in a vortex the particles interact through drag and friction.”
There is drag of the solar wind on planetary magnetospheres,  the solar wind interacts with the magnetospheres of planets in the solar system.
Solar wind drags out the night-side magnetosphere to possibly 1,000 times Earth's radius; this extension of the magnetosphere is known as the magnetotail. Many other planets in our solar system have magnetospheres of similar, solar wind-influenced shapes.

"The combination of a small electric field and the frictional drag force limits the maximum velocity achievable by a charged particle to non-relativistic values"
This drag force is always opposite to the object's motion, and unlike friction between solid surfaces, the drag force increases as the object moves faster. Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that is caused by air, the force acts in the opposite direction to an object moving through the air.
Wind drag applied on a particular shape.

Solar Wind vortex:
"Solar wind flows through space with gusting turbulence and swirling vortices"
Does the earth experience friction from solar winds in its orbit?
The solar wind from the Sun does have a very dramatic effect on Earth, or more specifically, on Earth's Magnetosphere. What would normally be an almost spherical globe surrounding our planet is blown and stretched to many times its original width and resembles a foxtail more than a sphere. Momentum from solar radiation is mostly deflected by the magnetosphere, but a small fraction of it is absorbed into the Earth. This outward force actually 'pushes' the Earth into a slightly wider (farther from the Sun) orbit than it would occupy if there were no solar wind.
Feb 2, 2011 - A vortex is a rotating region of fluid such as, for example, a tornado or a ... move with the fluid and are dispersed by the action of viscosity.
Frictional viscous interaction of solar wind and planetary magnetosphere:
"frictional interaction with the shocked solar wind in the magnetosheath".

Physics of the Space Environment - Page 293 - Google Books R

The modern vortex descriptions of the PhD physical scientist (Glenn Borchardt, PH.D) below are very similar to what is written in Oahspe:

Page 11 of THE UNIVERSAL CYCLE THEORY: Aether, aether refers to all the forms of matter too small to be easily detected by humans. To designate this we label matter smaller than an electron (undetectable matter) as aether.
Our latest book: Universal Cycle Theory .
"In short, we propose that vortex motion brings aether particles together, forming the less mobile complexes that we call ordinary matter. What we observe as universal gravitation is produced by the still-active aether particles that exist wherever ordinary matter does not. With celestial bodies, complexification is a function of the velocity of vortex rotation, with the density of ordinary matter decreasing with distance from the center. At the same time, the density and activity of aether increases with distance from the center. This produces a “gravitational pressure gradient,” which acts like our own atmospheric pressure gradient—only in reverse."

Maxwell"s Molecular Vortex Model - Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell hypothesized  that magnets contain molecules rotating as synchronized vortices, and these vortices created a directional flow of small magnetic particles. In 1861, Maxwell summarized his vortex theory as follows:"I have shown how the forces acting between magnets, electric currents, and matter capable of magnetic induction may be accounted for on the hypothesis of the magnetic field being occupied with innumerable vortices of revolving matter, ...However, Maxwell never felt satisfied with his molecular vortex model. Eventually, he panned the idea - pages 229-230 of THE UNIVERSAL CYCLE THEORY NEOMECHANICS OF HIERARCHICALLY INFINITE UNIVERSE (2011) by Stephan J. Puetz and Glenn Borchardt, PH.D (Geology-Geophysics).
Glenn Borchardt
I have over 50 years of theoretical, experimental, and observational experience as a scientist especially interested in scientific philosophy. Although I have produced over 500 scientific reports, including journal articles, chapters, books, consulting reports, and computer programs, the best by far is my book, "The Scientific Worldview: Beyond Newton and Einstein."
after Newton formulated his law of gravity, aether theories suffered a slow, agonizing death. Einstein's theory of general relativity put the final nail in aether's coffin. Nonetheless, aether theories still occasionally resurrect for one simple reason. They offer the mechanical explanation that field theories cannot.- page 230
The last highly regarded aether proponent, British physicist Paul Dirac, helped develop quantum mechanics. In 1933, he won the Nobel Prize for his efforts. In 1951, he explained his reasoning in a Nature article entitled IS THERE AN AETHER? ...Yet, Dirac's attempts to revive aether theories failed for the same reason that befell other mechanical ideas. Even though he advocated aether, Dirac remained loyal to quantum  mechanics and field theory. The contradictions inherent in the simultaneous beliefs prevented the development of his aether ideas. - page 230-231.
Many attempts by Cartesian natural philosphers to test Descartes' various ideas on the dynamics of circularly moving particles (e.g., by using large spinning barrels filled with small particles) did not meet the predictions advanced in the Priciples." [Stanford: Descartes, 2009] 
However, a spinning barrel of small particles falls short of replicating the environment of an aethereal vortex, while a bowl of spinning water comes closer to the desired effect. That is, circulating water follows the laws of rotational dynamics and fluid dynamics better than small particles. A few common items placed in a container of water simulate gravitational motion, from this point forward, called the water vortex experiment. 
Water vortex simulation of spiral and elliptical galaxies .
Water at the center of the circulation sinks (similar to a low-pressure weather system), while the water along the outer radius of the circulation rises. In spite of its simplicity, this experiment reveals a wealth of information about gravity modeled as a fluid.
The results closely match the known laws of planetary motion because the experiment shows that the periods increase with distance from the center. While exact velocities are difficult to determine for this crude experiment, the periods roughly appear to coincide with Kepler's Third Law of Planetary Motion. The conformity between the motions in the water vortex experiment and the gravitational motions in the Solar System suggests a connection between the rotation of a vortex and gravitation - just as Descartes had suspected.
Even though the experiment shows many aspects of gravity. It falls short of being a perfect simulation. nevertheless, the experiment indicates that circulation plays a role in gravitation. This is important because, even though the equations from Kepler and Newton describe planetary motions very well mathematically, they fail to explain why these motions occur. Rotational dynamics and fluid dynamics also match gravitational characteristics.
This current (2011) scientific book backs up the vortex science of Oahspe:

Some say The Universal cycle Theory is "Bigger than Principia", "more revolutionary than Newton's Principia."
"All of science fits into this framework and the paradoxes, fantasies, unicorns, and the illogical thought of modern physics are swept away for what will be known for hundreds of years as a sentinel work in human history and scientific knowledge. Step aside Principia. You have been replaced."

Check out the page titled "Ether Vortex Physics" on this website for more information.




In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet attacks Oahspe by saying the planets in the solar system are listed wrong (Venus is missing between Mercury and Earth).

The Team Kemet person who brings this up claims to have read Oahspe and seems to indicate that Oahspe, Newbrough, or his spiritual contacts did not know that Venus was a planet that was located between Mercury and the Earth in the Solar System. Well if he indeed read Oahspe as he claimed he had, he would know of the plate below which is in Oahspe:


In Oahspe in the plate titled "DISSECTION OF THE GREAT SERPENT" (which is pictured above) it clearly shows the Planet Venus listed among our Solar System planets between the Earth and Mercury. Just because it was omitted in another plate in Oahspe doesn't mean that the author of Oahspe was ignorant of the planet Venus being between the Earth and Mercury. On the Oahspe plate titled "THE CYCLIC COIL" it also shows the Earth as the 3rd planet from the Sun, and Venus inbetween the Earth and Mercury (see image below).




In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet makes the claim that Oahspe in the book of Cosmogony plagerized Des Cartes.


One anti-Oahspe person gave his false (see images above for proofopinion as:

"Newbrough really did a very poor job of plagiarizing Swedenborg and Descartes. He just copied their ideas". 

You can clearly see above the comparison and difference between Descartes planetary and solar vortices and Oahspe's planetary and solar vortices.

Oahspe - Book of Discipline: Chapter VIII:

5. For which reasons thou shalt explain that only facts well known, or comparatively provenare light.

An opinion is not light.

Rene Descartes illustrations are different from Oahspe, Descartes shows planetary or sun vortices touching each other, whereas in Oahspe the planetary vortices are spaced far apart and the correct sizes that correspond to the magnetospheres and atmospheres of the planets.

Descarte's celestial vortices are five and six sided polygons (pentagons, hexagons). 

Oahspe's celestial vortices are cone-shaped like the magnetospheres of the planets in the solar system.  

long twisted tail like a snake or serpent.

Other stars show tails that trail behind them like a comet’s tail. Scientists used NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer to confirm that our solar system has one too. From top left and going counter clockwise, the stars shown are: LLOrionis; BZ Cam; and Mira. Image Credit: NASA/HST/R.Casalegno/GALEX

Notice the Stellar (Solar) heliospheres with tails mapped and imaged by NASA/HST and IBEX outlined in green compared to Oahspe drawing (under angelic control) by Newbrough of solar (stellar) vortex. Notice how very similar the NASA HST and IBEX images are to the Oahspe drawing and how different they are from Descartes planetary and solar vortices (red outline) below.

Descartes was way off in his depictions of planetary and solar vortices and Oahspe was spot on, the comparisons above prove that. 

Plate TOW-SANG above in Oahspe shows the cone-shaped solar and planetary vortices

John Ballou Newbrough in Oahspe (1881) drew a picture (shown above) of the Earth's magnetosphere (vortex) and the solar wind (Sun's vortex) 77 years before they were discovered.
Newbrough correctly pictured the cone-shaped magnetosphere of the earth with the wide end of the cone pointing away from the sun and the narrow end closest to the sun.
Magnetosphere chronology
1958 - Explorer 1, built by Van Allen and his Iowa group and launched by the US January 31, observes the radiation belt. Explorer 3, launched in March, comes up with the first clear evidence for its existence.
1958 - Eugene Parker (Chicago) proposes the theory of the solar wind.
1959 - Thomas Gold proposes the name "Magnetosphere".
1961 - The magnetopause, boundary between magnetosphere and the solar wind, is observed by Explorer 12. The measurements confirm predictions made in 1931 by Chapman and Ferraro.
1964 - IMP-1 (Interplanetary Monitoring Platform 1) reports a large bow shock formed in the solar wind ahead of the magnetosphere, and a long magnetic tail on the night side of the Earth.
From the book EXPLORING THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE by Richard A. Craig copyright 1968 pages 136-137 says "...our understanding of the magnetosphere is very limited because only the far-ranging space probes can study it. A vast amount of work remains to be done."
On page 72 of AURORA BOREALIS THE AMAZING NORTHERN LIGHTS copyright 1979 by S.I. Akasofu it says "Professor Sydney Chapman, a physicist who, with his colleague, Vincenzo Ferraro, was the FIRST to THEORIZE the formation of the MAGNETOSPHERE in 1931."
Plate TOW-SANG in Oahspe shows the solar system vortex (solar wind) and the planetary vortices (magnetospheres). Oahspe had a accurate drawing and description of the planetary magnetospheres decades before they were theorized and discovered. 
Sun Earth and magnetosphere 
An ASTRO-List group Astronomer in 1997 said "The OAHSPE author has described the interaction of presumably the solar vortex with planetary or cometary vortices and deduced correctly what the effect of solar emanations on a diffuse spherical structure would be."  I was a member of the ASTRO-List group and I was present and witnessed the respected Astronomer speak about Oahspe (I brought up the subject).


In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet makes the claim that Oahspe knew nothing about Thermodynamics.
Albert Einstein Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”
― Albert Einstein, in the 1920′s 
Oahspe (1881) Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter III:
6. In the sum of all the universe there was, and is now, and ever shall be, the same latent amount of heat and light [the law of conservation of energy]. The vortex in formation driveth them to the centre [compression, m=E/c^2] for a period of time; nevertheless a time cometh when the heat and light escape outward [expansion, E=mc^2].
Conservation of energy [The first law of thermodynamics]
In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system cannot change—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but can change form, for instance chemical energy can be converted to kinetic energy in the explosion of a stick of dynamite.
The theory of general relativity leaves open the question of whether there is a conservation of energy for the entire universe.
According to the first law of thermodynamics there is conservation of energy for the entire universe, since according to the first law of thermodynamics energy can neither be created nor destroyed, or as Oahspe says "In the sum of all the universe there was, and is now, and ever shall be, the same latent amount of heat and light" (Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter III:6) and "ALL was. ALL is. ALL ever shall be" (Book of Jehovih 1:1).
OAHSPE Book of Cosmology and Prophecy Chapter III:20. ..."When such a globe is dissolved in ethe and sublimated, it is said a world is destroyed, or a star is destroyed. Nevertheless, in any of these operations, no one ingredient as such is annihilated."
Compiled and notes by James L. May (with comments by me)
From the book of Sephah, plate 65, Se'moin'
Within the description of Agni, number 72, we find the following:
"Emblem of corporeal dissoltution and of the escape of the potent power within"'. Here we have the statement of the equivalence of mass and energy, or Einstein's  E=MC² from his special theory of relativity. It was in Oahspe (in statement form) long before Einstein formulated his famous equation in 1905. To illustrate what Oahspe refers to as "the potent power within" one kilogram of radium is converted into the equivalence of 400 tons of TNT! The nuclear fission process is done in exactly the same way, but the released energy is even greater.
Oahspe book of Sephah, Se'moin'Within the description of Agni, number 72:
Agni (Panic), fire. Ah'gni (Chine), to burn...Emblem of worlds moldering into dust and of the harvests of souls ascending to heaven. Emblem of corporeal dissolution and of the escape of the potent power within.
...In the days [mid - 20th century] when mortals put words into all things and made them speak [modern electrodynamic speaker], Agni (fire) stood giant over all [tall skyward atomic, thermonuclear fireballs and clouds of the 1940s, 50s, and 60s], till Yote'a (water/black rain) bathed his head, when lo, black death (charcoal) breathed forth poisonous [toxic fumes] air. (Vede.)


In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet makes  the claim that there are 3 states of matter (corpor). Actually scientists recognize 4 states of matter and the 4th state of matter is called a plasma.
Ethe. The solvent of corpor; as water is the solvent of a salt, so is ethe the solvent of corporeal substance, of which latter hydrogen is one of the most sublimated. As a corporeal man dwells on the earth, and as an es'yan dwells in atmospherea, so do the advanced angels dwell in ethe, in etherea.
Could plasma (state of matter, not blood plasma) be a solvent?
The sun is a giant ball of plasma that is very stable (it isn't going to just turn into gas anytime soon). Anything you want will definitely dissolve in the sun, but molecules will be broken into their constituent atoms and those into ions. For example, if you wanted to dissolve ethelenol in a plasma you would most likely end up with carbon ions and hydrogen ions and oxygen ions.
TL;DR plasma will dissolve stuff, but the stuff doesn't always remain very stuff-y.
Crucially, at such temperatures, all matter – regardless of its composition - dissolves into an anonymous state called a "plasma".
So it doesn't much matter what the Sun is made of. Actually, it is about a billion billion billion tonnes of mostly hydrogen gas.
Multi-Dimentional World of Spirit.
7. ETHEREAN HEAVEN or Etherea located in interstellar space.
Place of Cosmic Consciousness [Nirvana].
Power to travel anywhere in creation.
The Third Resurrection.
Spiritual and intellectual grades of 100 and above.
- page 159 of SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, 1941-1948 (1940) by Wing Anderson.
Etherea. Beyond the atmosphere, the great firmament, where are situated the higher heavens, the homes of the Gods and Goddesses. Etherea, as a place, is nirvana.
Firmament. The world of space between the stars and planets.

The interstellar medium is a plasmaThe more tenuous matter between stars, the interstellar medium, includes regions of neutral hydrogen gas, dust and plasma such as the "Warm Ionized Medium", H II regions, and "hot ionized medium". As a significantly ionized gas, the medium behaves as a plasma, and carries a magnetic field,[20], and electric currents.[21]. (See  also dusty plasmas). The intergalactic medium is a near-100% plasmaThe space between galaxies, the intergalactic medium, is a very tenuous, fully ionized plasma[22], that carries magnetic field and electric currents.[23] https://www.plasma-universe.com/ [fiery luminiferous ether].

Oahspe Book of Jehovih: Chapter II: 5. For the substance of My etherean worlds I created Ethe, the MOST RARIFIED. Out of ethe made I them.  

In chapter 1 page 1 of COSMOGONY: Oahspe Science 1996 by Hugh Rose (who had a physics education in electrical engineering) it says "The term corpor would be called matter today and it would include all the compounds, atoms and ions known to exist. The term plasma is, per the dictionary, an ionized gas containing about equal numbers of positive ions and electrons. I believe that corpor dissolved in ethe exists as a plasma in interstellar and inter planetary space." 

Etherean ships are fire-ships (plasma ships, sun-ships, star-ships), with the 4th state of matter (plasma) around their ships, the substance between the stars and planets, the interstellar and intergalactic medium.

OAHSPE: Book of Apollo CHAPTER X:
12. ...to My exalted atmospherean angels, I have given power to clothe themselves from ethe in forms of light.

But, to My exalted etherean angels, I have given power to clothe their hosts with ships of fire,

and otevans, and adavaysits. 

Ethereans_JPG.jpg<--1959 Polaroid photo.
From: "Stanton Friedman"
Subject: Re: UFO photo over Giant Rock.
Date: Mon, Mar 15, 2004
"I am not a photoanalyst. We can call it an Unidentified Flying Object. We can't say it is an alien spacecraft. Could be. Could be a test device producing a plasma around itself, could be a special whirlwind. Did anybody try to analyze the print at the time? Is there a detailed interrogation of the witnesses? I think it would properly fall into the category of Insufficient Information. We can't say it is mechanical, though it might be."
Stan Friedman, Nuclear Physicist M.S.
Plasma is not a gas, liquid, or solid - it is the fourth state of matter. Plasma often behaves like a gas, except that it conducts electricity and is affected by magnetic fields. The Sun is composed of plasma, fire is plasma, fluorescent and neon lights contain plasma.





In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet attacks Oahspe by criticizing the books portrait of Pharoah of Egypt who built the great pyramid. Team Kemet does not like the "white", or caucasian appearance of Thothma.

Above portrait of the builder (Pharaoh Thothma) of the great pyramid in Egypt who was similar to the fictional Rama-Tut.

He could hear the Gods (Osiris, Baal and Egupt) and talk with them understandingly. Portrait by John Ballou Newbrough.

Pharaoh Thothma was a brilliant scholar, profoundly wise, occult adept, su'is, sar'gis, Idol worshipper,

devotee to his Lord and Savior God, non-faithist, Caucasian-Ghan, racist, ruler, Conquerer, slave master,

human slaughterer, pre-Euclidean (Euclidean geometry) mathematician, Fascist, etc... 

Above the Adept Thothma and 75% and 84% facial recognition matches with mathematical face points for measurements. 

Top facial recognition matches to Thothma:

Thothma and Shirley Winters facial recognition match 84% like twin brother and sister. 
Below Betaface facial recogniton of Thothma (Great Pyramid builder) and Ka'yu (Confucius).

Below Betaface facial recogniton of PO, Spencer Breslin, Shirley Winters:
Shelley Winters, birth name Shirley.
Ethnicity: Austrian, Ashkenazi Jewish
...a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study
co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England. All told, more than
80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating
in the Near East. The genetics suggest many of the founding Ashkenazi women were actually converts from
local European populations. 

Scientists have done DNA testing on some ancient egyptians including Pharoahs:





"they were oppressed by cruel laws and penalties, and were forced to reveal the mathematical

science which had been preserved with them from their distant ancestors the I'hins, to whom
it was committed by the angels in the first ages of mankind. Humanity was now ripe for this
development, but the surrender of their secrets was a further blow to the Israelites.
Both the knowledge and the slave labour of the Israelites were now thus impressed into the
 construction of the temple of Osiris, the Great Pyramid.
And the etherean dawn in which
Moses would bring them deliverance was still five hundred years away."
[2053 - 500 = 1553 B.C.E.]. - Pages 189-190 of Darkness, Dawn And Destiny
(Drawn from Oahspe) 1965 by Augustine Cahill.
Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapter XLIX:
2. ...Thothma, made the following laws, to wit:
4. ...And of thy arts, of measuring and working numbers, thou shalt not keep them secret
longer, or thy blood be upon thee.
"measuring and working numbers" = mathematics.
Definition of mathematics for Students. : the science that studies and explains numbers,
quantities, measurements ...
Algebra, arithmetic, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry are branches of mathematics.
Mathematics and art are related in a variety of waysMathematics has itself been described
as an art motivated by beauty. Mathematics can be discerned in arts such as music, dance,
painting, architecture, sculpture, and textiles.

Thothma did not have the mathematical knowledge of the Israelites until he forced the
Israelites to REVEAL it to him.
This mathematical knowledge was lost to the Egyptian slave masters after the death
of Thothma.

The true Israelites kept this sacred mathematical knowledge up to modern times. 



In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet attacks Oahspe by saying the black people mentioned in Oahspe

are the Druks the non spiritual people. Team Kemet says that Oahspe does not include black people as spiritual

leaders or teachers.

Oahspe The Lord's Fifth Book: Chapter III:

13. The Lord said: Having designed Ham for teaching the barbarian world of me and my dominion, 

OAHSPE: The Lords' Fifth Book Chapter III:
4. Of all colors (black, white, yellow, copper, red and brown) were the tribes of Ham; nevertheless,
 they were I'hins (Faithists),
Abram (Abraham) descended from recent I'hin (pygmy) seed.
(Oahspe First Book of God 8:4-6)
4. These, then, are the generations of the line whence came Abram,...
5. In Sadr the line was lost, but through his daughter Bar-bar regained through the I'hins ...
6. ...And here the line ran by female heirs, beginning in Rac-ca's daughter, ...
from whom was descended seven generations in su-is; and it was lost in We-ta-koo, but regained again through I'hin seed ...
and by I'hin seed sprang Ti-lot, and by I'hin seed Shi-ar, and by I'hin seed Shir-ra, from whom descended Na-hor the second, from whom sprang Abram.
Shi-ar Abraham's grandmother was of I'hin seed.
<--Original I'hin in Oahspe drawn by Newbrough and African Congo Pygmy have very similar faces.
I'hin and Congo Pygmy man have very similar forehead, eye brows, nose, mouth, beard, sideburns, ear,
horizontal mid-forehead indentation, eye sockets, cheekbones, chin, etc...
Abraham (above) drawing by John Newbrough page 276 Eloists Oahspe Edition. Notice the thick negroid lips.
Above image seperates (red middle line) West Arabinya from East Arabinya. West Africa
is West Arabinya (according to map and plate from Oahspe) and East Afria and Arabian
Peninsula and Levant and Persia is East Arabinya.
Almost all African-Americans brought over during the slave trade came from West Africa or
Western Arabinya (the oral Israelites).
Oahspe Book of Eskra Chapter X: 8. Of the Faithists of western Arabin'ya, who, for the
most part, called themselves Israelites, suffice this: The two branches still remained: 
those who lived under the oral law, and those who lived under the written law. The
latter were called Leviticans, that is, hangers on, and of imperfect flesh and spirit.  

8 of the 10 top facial matches to Abraham are African-American, sub-Saharan African.

SheRaSeven1 90% to Abraham:
https://s10.postimg.cc/9h8qyhiix/She_Ra_Seven1-20-_Abraham-90.jpgBelow: Betaface mathematical face points of I'huan Abraham & African-American SheRaSeven1.Above: Prophet Abraham & SheRaSeven1 face points and 4 projection lines.

Spiritual Knowledge (Aliens and Beings ) of SheRaSeven1

A top facial match to Abraham is SheRaSeven1 90% to Abraham (see above). 

SheRaSeven1 is like a twin sister to Abraham.
"I actually am teaching the same thing ... how the human race is being pushed to 
mix back into the races of the more melanated ,
[5. take the output Ghan and breed back to I'huan = output Kosmon. - studyofoahspe.com]
just so you know , My mom is black and my father is Puerto rican ....I go into the
sky beings the plasma gods ...i did my DNA test , Im 71 % african , 21% Iberian
penensula and 9% native american" - SheRaSeven 1, September 25, 2019.
Above African-American model Naomi Sims matches 90% to page 276 Eloists Oahspe edition
drawing of Abraham by Newbrough. 
Abraham and Naomi Sims (above) betaface face points for measurements. 
I have side by side comparison of Abraham's hair and an African American's hair
and they look almost identical:
Abraham and African-American Katt Williams have very similar hair and face match (77%). 
Katt Williams and Abraham's head, face, and hair, orthographic projection lines match. 
Notice how the shape and height of the hair is almost identical to both, as well as the
shape and size of the hairline and forehead.  
The Oahspe drawing of Abraham had the highest facial matches to African-Americans.
Abraham in Oahspe had negroid features. Abraham in Oahspe was a black spiritual leader.
Contrary to what Team Kemet said Oahspe does include black people as Spiritual leaders
Many beginning readers and long-time readers of Oahspe (like Wing Anderson) make
the mistake of identifying Druks with modern Africans or Blacks (Negroes). Team
Kemet makes this same mistake as Wing Anderson did.
Wing Anderson made a big mistake on page 161 of his book
SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD [1940] 1941-1948 where he wrote "...
the I'huan race. American Indians are remnants of this race. ..the Ghan race, to which the
Caucasian race belongs...The negroid and oriental races are remnants of the Druks; the
Latins [Latinos?] are mongrel races between the Druks and I'huan."
MindOverBody MindOverBody(Feb, 2015).
"and the druks are brown and black...On the surface it seems like they're trying to link us with the druks." 
Many African-Americans like the one above (and Team Kemet) fasely interpret Oahspe as
trying to link African-Americans with the druks.
I (the author of studyofoahspe.com) am African-American and I do not interpret Oahspe
as trying to link African-Americans with the druks.
The druks Oahspe refers to are an EXTINCT race (extinct for at least 
several thousands of years)

Extinct races of Man (hominins) in Oahspe:

Homo-erectus, Homo-heidelbergensis, Druk and Yak Ground People cross between Asu and I'hins or Druks and Asu:

Tall dark brown and black Druk and Yak Ground People. Druks and Yaks are called Ground People in Oahspe.

and do not refer to modern people such as sub-Saharan Africans or African-Americans.
Druks is also used as a metaphor in Oahspe for any corporean of any race who acts like a
druj (the spiritual counterpart of a druk).
Percent humans with > 1/3 [33.3] Angelic Eve blood [everlasting life].
Arc, Cycle, Etherean
24, Lika,_______________ 99% = 3400 years B.K. to Kosmon (Druks make up 1% of world population).
25, Ouranothen__________ 100% = Present Kosmon (Druks make up 0% of world population).
Right click on Page 13 above and go to "copy link location" and paste link in web browser url address
(where www.) then hit enter. (if you still can't view the web page, clear your cashe or rescent history
in your browser and try again repeating the steps mentioned.
Since according to Oahspe Druks were born not capable of everlasting life because of more than 66.6%
beast DNA in them and since according to Oahspe by the time of the present Kosmon age (1848) 99.9 or
100% of humans born into the world are born capable of everlasting life that means modern black people
who make up at least 20% of the world population are capable of everlasting life and therefore are not the
extinct race of Druks that Oahspe talks about.
Above are Google images Search results to Yak facial drawing in Oahspe. The results are white or caucasian people.
Druks were born not capable of everlasting life (being more than 66.6% Asu and less than 33.3% Angelic, see Jim Dennon's work):
Oahspe The Lords' Second Book Chapter II:
2. And he said unto the I'hins: Behold, the I'huans cannot hear the voice of the Lord, therefore, go ye unto them, saying: Thus saith the Lord: If ye mingle with the Druks your seed shall not inherit everlasting life, but go down in darkness.
IF parts of Oahspe was racist against black people or was under the inspiration of racist spirits (drujas) then why are the dipictions of Asu and Yak (which were closely related to druks) show EUROPEAN or CAUCASIAN facial features (such as a leptorrhine long pointed narrow nose, and thin lips) instead of sub-Saharan African facial features (wide nose, and thick upper and lower lips)? If John Newbrough was under the Inspiration of racist Masonic drujas than why does Oahspe describe Moses, Abraham, and Chine as COPPER COLORED (not white), and why does Oahspe depict Abraham, Joshu, and Capilya with thick upper and lower lips like a Negro African??
Above on the right are Oahspe facial drawings of A'su (top) and Yak (bottom).
OAHSPE: The Lords' Fifth Book Chapter III:
4. Of all colors (black, white, yellow, copper, red and brown) were the tribes of Ham; nevertheless,
 they were I'hins (Faithists),
If Whites are from I'hins as Team Kemet interprets Oahspe as saying then why does Oahspe say that I'hins in Africa (Ham) were black, white, yellow, copper, red and brown?
Did the black I'hins of Oahspe become whites (Caucasians)? 
Oahspe says blacks would never become whites. According to Oahspe black I'hins became modern black people and white I'hins became modern white people. Also all people today according to Oahspe are descendants of A'su, I'hins, and Druks.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter V:
12. And all of them propogated after their own kind, and do so to this day. And though the blacks might live for thousands of generations with themselves only, in any country in the world, they would never become whites. And the same rule applieth to whites and browns, and all the races of man.
If the I'hin tribes of Ham (Africa) interbred among themsleves (black, white, yellow, copper, red and brown) they would amalgamate into a brown race, if they bred with I'huans they would be a brown race.
black I'hins bred with copper colored I'huans they would produce dark brown people in Africa (Ham). If white I'hins bred with reddish (redbone) I'huans then they would have a pale pink complexion.


In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet attacks Oahspe by saying that modern humans developed 300,000 years ago
and according to Oahspe humans on earth orginated aproximately 78,000 years ago. Team Kemet was saying the geological time scale of humans on earth does not agree with Oahspe's story of the origin on humans on earth.
(1) The geological time scale of primates that could have resembled Oahspean  human races does not correspond at all with that of Oahspe's.
The geological time scale does not correspond with that of Oahspe's but genetic analysis below does correspond with a close approximation to the Oahspe story.
OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy V:
21. By reversing these measurements, find the axial decrease of the earth in seventy-eight thousand years, which will be just one hundred minutes, or 3-340ths of a second annually, which is the earth's decline in speed. For which reason the first of the race of man on earth began about seventy-eight thousand years B.K.[B.K. = Before Kosmon, 78,000 years before 1848].
From David Garcia in Germany June 13, 2018:
I found an interesting article:
"Most Species Young" Study Makes Biologists Tear Their Hair Out.
“The study's most startling result, perhaps, is that nine out of 10 species on Earth today,
including humans, came into being 100,000 to 200,000 years ago.”
"The new study was published in the scientific journal Human Evolution. According to a news report on it.”
The difference between the low calculation of 100,000 and 78,000 years ago is only 22 %. The difference between
Team Kemet's number of 300,000 years ago and 78,000 years ago 74 %. Keep in mind the dating techniques that
scientists use to date rocks and fossils may not be an exact science.


In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet ridicules Oahspe's verses that says the Sun doesn't give light to the earth and the Sun doesn't give heat to the Earth. Oahspe seperates the Vortex of the Sun from the central corporeal Star called the Sun. What Oahspe calls the Sun's vortex (solar vortex or Master vortex) is what Astrophysicists today call the Solar Wind and Solar Magnetic Field which was unknown in 1881 when Oahspe was transcribed and not discovered until 1957 (solar magnetic field) and 1958 (solar wind) by Eugene Parker. Team Kemet also CORRECTLY said that conduction and convection can't happend in near vacuum space that's why it is cold in space between the Earth and the Sun. Oahspe agrees that the lack of heat (coldness) in space between the Sun and the Earth is because there is no sufficiently dense atmosphere for the Solar vortex (Solar Wind/Solar Magnetic field) to interact with to produce light and heat. 
nmxt (above) on Reddit descibes the connection between Radiation density and heat.  During daylight as you rise in elevation the air gets colder even though you are closer to the Sun (just as you are closer to the sun inbetween the earth and the Sun). The reason it is colder at higher elevation (mountain tops) than at sea level is because the air is less dense at higher elevation.
The currents of the master vortex only polarize sufficiently dense atmospherean substance.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter II:
5. In the case of a vortex in etherea (that is after the manner of a whirlwind on the earth), the corporeal solutions are propelled toward the centre thereof in greater density.
6. When it is sufficiently dense to manifest light, and shadow, it is called a comet, or nebula ... 
OAHSPE in 1881 describes a previously unknown basic mode of energy transfer from the solar wind (Sun's vortex) to the Earth’s magnetosphere (Earth's vortex or atmosphere), not from the corporeal central star to the Earth. Read below for proof :


Plate 47(48) - The Cyclic Coil page 570 in Oahspe [shown above] shows a drawing of the spiral cone-shaped solar (master)  vortex with the sun and planets inside it. You can see the sun at the center of the head of the cone vortex, you can see the spiral currents of the vortex spiral inward to the sun-center and then spiral and go out from the center toward the tail (light doesn't travel straight but curved because of the vortexian spirality - bending of light in space by gravity theorized by Einstein in 1915 and confirmed in 1919). As the current spirals out from the center and the head where the sun is, toward the end of the widend cone-shaped tail it passes and goes into the planets. This etheic current CAUSES the needles of matter to become polarized producing LIGHT only on the side FACING the sun center at the head (narrow end) of the cone. On the other side the needles are in confusion, not polarized because the current is blocked (producing resistance) or interrupted. Space between the sun center and the planets's atmospheres is black because there is not sufficient atmospherean substance to be polarized (space is almost empty rarified vacuum). The currents of the master vortex only polarize sufficiently dense atmospherean substance.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter II:
5. In the case of a vortex in etherea (that is after the manner of a whirlwind on the earth), the corporeal solutions are propelled toward the centre thereof in greater density.
6. When it is sufficiently dense to manifest light, and shadow, it is called a comet, or nebula ...

If one could imagine a very long serpent in spiral form, constantly turning its head in at one pole, and its tail at the other, and continuously crawling upon its own spirality, such a view would somewhat illustrate the currents of a vortex. - Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Ch III: 25. Oahspe GOD'S BOOK OF BEN plate 45 "Jehovih said: in times past , man beheld the sun, saying: The sun is the Creator of all the living; light and heat come from the sun. Then Jehovih said: I will put a sign in the firmament, and no man shall gain say the work of my hand. And above the earth, to the north and south, he placed polar lights [Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis], that man might bear witness that light depended not on corporea, and had no part therewith. But the sun he placed in the midst of the great vortex, so that every side was as a pole to the corporeal worlds around it. And Jehovih made etherea as a condensing lens, so that the rotation of each and every corporeal world should manufacture its own light, on the side poling to the sun, by the rotation of its wark and vortex...Oahspe BOOK OF COSMOGONY CHAPTER 1 verses 34, 35 says were the sun planet extinct, the master vortex would instantly make another sun. As the lines of vortexya are in currents from the outer toward the interior, so do solutions of corpor take the shape of needles, in the master, pointing toward the centre, which condition of things is called LIGHT; and when these needles approach the centre, or even the photosphere, the actinic force thereof is called HEAT.
[Actinism is the property of solar radiation that leads to the production of photochemical and photobiological effects. Actinism is derived from Greek with the meaning a radiant force.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ActinismHeat is a form of radiation (radiant heat
Ohm's Law = VA - VB = IR (Current x Resistence)
The basic Ohm's Law states  Voltage = Current * Resistance, (or V = I * R for short)
where voltage (V) is in Volts, current ( I ) is in Amps, and resistance (R) is in Ohms. ( * is the multiplication symbol)
Note: `Voltage' is analogous to pressure - it is electrical pressure. Current is different in that it is a measurement of the actual flow of electricity through the wire. It is comparable
to plumbing where water pressure (voltage) and water flow (current) are quite different concepts.
When current passes through a wire, the electrical friction created between the current and the resistance of the wire results in heat being generated, and this heat represents a complete waste of valuable energy.
Current2 x Resistence = I2R = Heat = Lost energy (gone) 
Heat = Liberated (escaped) stored up vortex'ya.
I is the current flowing through the resistance (R).
I = vortexian current, R = the atmosphere or photosphere
Resistance (R) is a special type of frictional force
Friction or resistence (R) converts electrical energy (I) into thermal energy or heat.
Oahspe - Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter I:
35. Heat decreaseth in force in proportion to the square of the distance from the place of generation; nevertheless, an allowance of decrease must be added thereunto of one to the hundred.
Laboratory Experiment: Inverse Square Law of Heat.
OBJECTIVE To show that the intensity of radiation on a surface is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the surface from the radiation source.
September 10, 2009.
Scientists discover surprise in Earth’s upper atmosphere.
UCLA atmospheric scientists have discovered a previously unknown basic mode of energy transfer from the solar wind to the Earth’s magnetosphere.
It’s like something else is heating the atmosphere besides the sun. This discovery is like finding it got hotter when the sun went down,” said Larry Lyons, UCLA professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences and a co-author of the research, which is in press in two companion papers in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
The sun, in addition to emitting radiation, emits a stream of ionized particles called the solar wind that affects the Earth and other planets in the solar system. The solar wind, which carries the particles from the sun’s magnetic field, known as the interplanetary magnetic field, takes about three or four days to reach the Earth. When the charged electrical particles approach the Earth, they carve out a highly magnetized region — the magnetosphere — which surrounds and protects the Earth.
Charged particles carry currents, which cause significant modifications in the Earth’s magnetosphere.
...there is a transfer of energy from the solar wind to the particles in the magnetosphere.
The magnetosphere was discovered in 1957. By the late 1960s, it had become accepted among scientists that the energy transfer rate was controlled predominantly by the interplanetary magnetic field.
Lyons and Kim were planning to study something unrelated when they made the discovery.
“We were looking to do something else, when we saw life is not the way we expected it to be,” Lyons said. “The most exciting discoveries in science sometimes just drop in your lap. In our field, this finding is pretty earth-shaking. It’s an entire new mode of energy transfer, which is step one. The next step is to understand how it works. It must be a completely different process.”
a stream of ionized particles translated into laymen’s common sense language = AN ELECTRICAL CURRENT.
“There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now, All that remains is more and more precise measurement.” – Lord Kelvin
Even great minds can be way off the mark.
<--January 4, 2025 Larry Lyons, UCLA professor Google search
What the scientists discovered above agrees with Oahspe. Where the scientists get it wrong is they attribute the origin of the stream of ionized particles and transfer of energy from the solar wind to the earth's magnetosphere (atmosphere) to be the central corporeal star called the Sun. Oahspe says they have it backwards, it is the spiraling stream of ionized particles or current called the Solar Wind or Solar Magnetic field that creates the central corporeal star and gives light and heat to the planets in the solar system. This is the same backwardness that modern scientists get with gravity being a pull force caused by the massive planet or star instead of a push force caused by the spiraling currents of the vortex from the external to the center.


In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet ridicules Oaahspe's Tree of Language and they can't believe Oahspe has Chinese language older than Egyptian language. 

Plate 17. TABLET OF AH'IOD'ZAN. Numeration.

Oahspe Book of Saphah - Panic Numeration Table - Angelfire

Panic, numeration table above. Panic number 3 = sam, Panic number yaw

Thai language number 3 =



Thai language number 9 =
Thai names for N +1 and the regular digits 2-9 as shown in the table, below, resemble those in Cantonese as spoken in Southern China, putative homeland of the Tai.

Oahspe The Lord's Fifth Book: Chapter III:
9. For I locked up sufficient of the Panic language in Jaffeth as a testimony to be discovered in after years; showing that, unlike Ham and Shem, a mighty nation could retain one language for thousands of years.
Jaffeth (China),

The Chinese language is the oldest written language in the world with at least six thousand years of history. Although the written system has been altered over time due to revolutions and political changes, the principles of the language along with the symbols and characters have remained basically the same. Although many Chinese dialects exist, the written language is a common form of communication. Even though people are not able to verbally communicate in different provincesthey are able to understand each other in writing. http://ethnomed.org/culture/chinese/chinese-language-profile

Below Oahspe Plate 63 - TREE OF LANGUAGE.-- Panic trunk one, China branch two, India branch 3-4, Semitic 5, American Indian 6, Europe 7, etc... 

Semitic is part of Afro-Asiatic which includes Egypt (African).


According to Oahspe next to Panic (which is extinct) Chinese is the oldest written language on earth.
The Chinese language is the oldest written language in the world with at least six thousand years of history. Chinese character inscriptions have been found in turtle shells dating back to the Shang dynasty1 (1766-1123 BC) proving the written language has existed for more than 3,000 years.

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